We believe it is time for the church to rise up and BE the church. It is time to take church outside of the building. As we join together with various churches in our community, we are asking for your help. Together, we can shine the light of Jesus into the heart of Prince Albert.
Together, we can BE the church.
Embassy has joined with other churches in Prince Albert to provide meals to the homeless on Sundays. Embassy Church has committed to helping on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. The time commitment is 2-3:30pm. During the Spring & Summer, we are meeting at 2pm on the riverbank to hand out sandwiches on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of every month.
Maybe you don’t feel led to join us downtown, but you can help us in MANY other ways! Here’s what we need:
· Donations of:
– Sandwich makings: sliced meat, bread, mustard, margarine.
– Bannock, buns
– Snacks, desserts
– Individual water
– Money to purchase sandwich makings (tax receipts issued)
If you would like to help us in any way, please contact us: contact@embassychurch.ca
To stay updated with what’s needed with the REACHOUT, please join our group on Facebook – www.facebook.com/groups/EmbassyREACHOUT
TOGETHER, we can make a difference in our city!